A bouquet that lasts forever! Our "Love In Bloom" bouquet features white felt hearts and red felt roses, with coral and apricot-colored felt balls made from 100% New Zealand wool.
All felt pieces are handcrafted by fair trade artisans in Nepal and assembled and packaged with love in our New Jersey studio.
Vase not included.
Product Details
- Felt Balls
- Each wool felt ball is approximately 1 in. (2.5 cm.), about the size of a quarter
- Felt Shapes
- Hearts are approximately 1.6 inches wide x 1.6 inches high and .75 inches thick
- Roses are 2.25 inches wide x 1.5 inches high
- Hand felted (may vary slightly in size due to handmade nature)
- Bouquet
- Choose 10 or 20 stems
- Stems are 9 inches long and made from green, cloth-lined floral wire
- Installation
- Floral wire can be gently bent or cut to desired bouquet height
- We recommend using vases between 4 and 7 inches (6 inches is ideal)
- Packaging
- Perfect for gifting – flowers that don't need water!
- Each bouquet comes tied with twine in a reusable keepsake gift box
©Sheep Farm Felt. All rights reserved.